Cursos de verano online en la Universidad de Padua
Cursos de verano online en la Universidad de Padua / Online Summer Courses at the University of Padua
We would like to inform you about three summer courses that the University of Padua is promoting, that you may want to share with your students. These courses focus on specific Italian historical periods, and aim at introducing students to Italian history, society and culture.
The courses are set to be free of charge for Erasmus partner Universities students. You can find more information about courses and applications at the following link: https://www.unipd.it/en/summer-term
How comes that Italy became…Italy?
Understanding the past to explain the present is not always an easy task, but it is an interesting journey, able to enrich our view over the world we live in. The University of Padova offers three online courses during the first half of July 2021 with lectures, workshops and group discussions to explore culture and society during 3 periods of Italian history:
- Italian fascism, History of a dictatorship (1922 - 1943) July 1 – July 10
- Urban Culture and Politics in the Age of Giotto (1300 - 1400) July 6 – July 17
- Science and Economy in the Age of Galileo (1450 - 1650) July 6 – July 17
Applications can be submitted until June 7th.